Movie Quest

I have decided to have a quest this year since I work at a movie theater. So eery movie that comes to my theater I am seeing it. I have been excused from seeing Risen.


Movies I’ve seen (in no particular order) so far and rating.

  1. Ride Along 2 (***)
  2. 13 hours (*****)
  3. The Forest (***)
  4. The Finest Hours (**)
  5. Fifty Shades of Black (No Stars)
  6. Dirty Grandpa (***)
  7. The Boy (****)
  8. The 5th Wave (****)
  9. Kung Fu Panda 3 (*****)
  10. Deadpool (*****)
  11. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (***)
  12. The Choice (****)
  13. Norm of the North (**)


I will keep updating the list as I continue…


Ups and Downs

In life, you have up and downs. You can have them every day and you can have them in moments. I have been learning this and have been realizing that you need to focus on the positive moments in your life and let go of the negative. I was very mad I didn’t get the job I want but after a few days I have learned that I can’t blame the girl who did get the job. She herself is going through her own ups and downs. Took me til today to realize this.

I believe I have depression and anxiety issues and I was prescribed medication but after not having insurance I stopped them. I am not sure if I need them now but I can tell life is a little more down. I feel lonely here in TN. I enjoy living with my family but I do not enjoy being alone and just hanging out at home. I try to be friendly with people at work hoping that maybe I would be invited somewhere with everyone else. One of these days I hope someone will ask me to hang out or when I ask they actually do. I want to get out of here and either go to Indiana to be with someone I love or go to Texas and be with my friends because I miss them and felt like I belonged….

Readers I will just be living life and saving money until I am finally able to continue on with the ups in life.

Time to move on?

Have you ever felt like no matter what you do you can’t do anything right? I do. I keep doing what I am doing in hopes one day I will do everything correctly. I want it to be true. I shouldn’t feel this way but I do. Do I stick it out hoping I can do better and be better. Or do I move on and try to find a place where I can do what I love and be happy as well. Maybe I am just feeling down right now. Who knows. It gets you thinking though…

Nags Head North Carolina

This past week I went to nags Head North Carolina. My cousin got married to her partner. It was a lovely service on the beach.

I enjoyed having some time to relax and enjoy the beach with my family. It was nice and peaceful most of the time. I always feel at peace around water. It’s a good time to meditate. I don’t think about anything except being in the moment.

i got to experience this beautiful sunset at dinner one night.


Im not a photographer by no means but I love taking pictures. Here are a couple more.image image

Wow so long since…

Wow! It has been so long since I have last posted. I graduated college at the end of 2013 with my BFA in Theatre with an emphasis on Acting and Directing. I recently moved after that up to Gettysburg, PA. I now intern at a community theatre. This theatre only does musicals. I am so back in my element it makes me so happy. Also peeps I am a hippie. Yes crystals, chakras, and all. Well that’s all I can write for now but I will definitely make sure I post more often.

Another new soul in HEaven 3

Ok. So my teacher who I was rather close to my junior and senior year of High school/ college passed away this morning. She was in pretty bad health. She won’t be in pain anymore. Sheleigh Carmichael devoted her life to the Theatre at San Jacinto College South. She is probably sittinng up in heaven calling most of us dingle berries. LOL. She will be missed. 😦